السبت، يناير 29، 2011


في هذا الفيلم، الذي يعتبر أحد أنجح أفلام العام 2010، يعالج المخرج كريستوفر نولان فكرة في غاية الجاذبية: السيطرة الكاملة على عالم الأحلام والقدرة على غرس الأفكار في أدمغة الناس أو نزعها منها، وكل هذا بطريقة مادية بحتة: أي باليد!

لكن الفيلم، برأيي، عجز عن استثمار هذا الكنز الثمين. فجاء وضع هذه الفكرة ضمن سياق مشوه كان بالإمكان تجميله بحيث يتماشى مع جمال الفكرة. (الفكرة جميلة بحد ذاتها أما تطبيقاتها فيمكن أن تحتمل الكثير من البشاعة). ولم أجد مبررا لكل هذا العنف والقتل والأسلحة، حيث تجاوز عدد الأموات في الفيلم عدد الأحياء بكثير، وقد كان بالإمكان تجنب كل هذا.

الثلاثاء، يناير 18، 2011

اعترافات قاتل اقتصادي: نموذج أمريكي

"إذا قصفنا بالقنابل مدينة ثم أعدنا بناءها، فسوف تظهر لنا المعطيات ارتفاعا كبيرا في النمو الاقتصادي".

هذه الكلمات يمكن أن تلخص كتاب "اعترافات قاتل اقتصادي" الذي ألفه جون بيركنز، وهو رجل كان يعمل في إحدى الشركات الأمريكية التي دأبت على الربط بين الاقتصاد والسياسة بأن تجعل من الاقتصاد منفذا تمر عبره السياسة. ولا تكمن المشكلة في هذا المبدأ بحد ذاته وإنما تكمن في تحلل العاملين في هذين المجالين على حد سواء من أي مبدأ أخلاقي أو عطف أو تعاطف.

صورة اليوم

صاحب السمو الملكي الأمير سلطان بن عبدالعزيز آل سعود: ولي العهد، نائب رئيس الوزراء، وزير الدفاع والطيران، والمفتش العام بالمملكة العربية السعودية

الاثنين، يناير 17، 2011

Al-Jazeera: Arab Media Freed

In 1991, U.S.-led forces attacked Iraq and forced Saddam Hussein's troops to pull out of Kuwait. Not only the month-long war, known as the Gulf War, brought to an end Iraq's occupation of the tiny oil-rich state, but also it brought to life a new form of media: CNN-led media.

In the U.S., and for the first time in history, people were able to watch a live broadcast of the ongoing war in a far away place hour by hour. CNN reporters were at the heart of the event, right inside Baghdad, telling their viewers the story of the war-from an American point of view of course.

صورة اليوم

مدينة غزة، فلسطين

حملات الكلمة الواحدة

من غرائب هذا الزمن ما بتنا نراه في كل مكان من حولنا من حملات ترويجية نشطة، تتميز جميعها بالتمويل السخي والحيوية المفرطة في صفوف العاملين عليها، حتى يخالهم المرء من المدافعين عن توجهاتها طوال حياتهم. ومما يدهش المتابع أن هذه الحملات ظهرت خلال السنوات العشر الأخيرة وانتشرت بين ظهرانينا بسرعة هائلة ودعم لانهائي، وأنها جميعا تعتمد نظام الكلمة الواحدة في تسميتها، فمن "إرادة" إلى "إنتاج" و"مساواة" وغيرها الكثير الكثير يحتار المرء في سر هذه التسميات التي لم نكن نراها حتى وقت قريب.

الأحد، يناير 09، 2011

مذكرات نكرة- الحلقة السادسة

14 أبريل: قضيت فترة ما بعد الظهر بأكملها في الحديقة، بعد أن كنت في الصباح قد اشتريت من كشك للكتب كتابا بحالة جيدة بعنوان "البستنة" بخمسة بنسات. اشتريت عددا من البذار ونثرتها في الأرض على أمل أن تنبت قريبا عندما يتحسن الطقس. خطرت ببالي نكتة فاستدعيت كاري التي حضرت على عجل. قلت لها: "لقد اكتشفت أن لدينا منزلا ذا حدود". "ماذا تقصد؟" سألت كاري، فأجبتها: "انظري إلى الحدود!" فقالت:"أهذا ما استدعيتني لأجله؟" فأجبتها: "لو كان الوقت مختلفا لسرتك نكتتي كثيرا ولأضحتك" وقالت هي:" لو كان الوقت مختلفا، لأنني الآن مشغولة في المنزل". بدت الدرجات بحالة جيدة جدا. زارنا غوينغ وقال إن الدرجات تبدو بحالة جيدة لكنها تجعل الدرابزين يبدو بحالة سيئة، مقترحا طلاءه هو الآخر، وأيدت كاري كلامه. تمشيت إلى منزل بوتلي، ولحسن الحظ لم يكن موجودا، فوجدت حجة لإبقاء الدرابزين على حاله، وهذه أيضا طرفة جيدة.

صورة اليوم

جوبا، جنوب السودان

الأربعاء، يناير 05، 2011

Mailing Outside the ‘box’

‘’If it weren’t for electricity and water bills, I would never step into a post office!’’. Surely, everyone in Jordan must have heard this statement, if not actually said it, sometime. And needless to say: It’s Internet time, people!

But, apparently, our most valued Jordan Post company appreciates the mailbox more than we all do! Starting this month, one has to pay JD11.6 to renew their subscription for their mailbox- that’s almost JD1 per month. And the simple question keeps yelling everywhere: Why on earth?!

She Walks in

She walks in, with her priceless smile
Her lovely voice, her sparkling eyes
Whenever she comes, or goes by
Light would rush to follow her lead
A celebration of colors, a parade of cheer
As beautiful as can beautiful be
My god! I’m lucky my eyes can see
What world of joy she brings to life!
And when she leaves, it’s dark again

June 2010

Due South

Words came hardly off my mouth:
Goodbye, my love, I'm leaving due south

She said: 'I'll miss you'. It shook my body
And I replied: I miss you already

August 2003

My Words

My sun is out of heat
My spring is out of flowers
My song is out of beat
My time is out of hours

I'm out of poetry, out of reasons
To sleep and then to wake up back
To, helplessly, watch the four seasons
Cover the shiny words with black

So I will no more look ahead
Or try to open my closed eye
I don't really have to leave my bed
Or breathe the air, or even die!
My words were easy to understand
But they were never understood
I used to form them with my hands
And irrigate them with my blood

They were my only home and shelter
The only warmness in my winter
They've given me life and strength so far
I still can watch them, going so far…

They left me with no clue or sign
I wish that I could follow their trace
And, till then, I will keep each line
In my most honorable, safest place

October 2002

A Minute for Life

I miss you like I miss the past
You've been the first, and you're the last
A question is always in my mind:
Why are you so hard to find?

When you were mine, I couldn't think
We'd be apart for a single wink
But now I only cry and cry
And keep on asking: Why and why?

I need you like I need my soul
I'm void without you, I'm too small
I'm lost without you, with no guide
I'm mean without you, with no pride

Alone in the desert, thrown on the sand
Waiting for your saving hand
I'm hungry, thirsty, starving to death
I know my last hope's in your breath

My eyes are always full of tears
Your voice is always in my ears
My mouth does only speak your name
It keeps on asking if you came

I always meet you in my dreams
But you never hear my calls and screams
If you come back for just one minute
Then I will live my whole life in it!

Forgive me if you can forgive
Forget me if you can forget
But please don't blame me if I let
My love to you for ever live

January 2002

Ancient Wisdom

On the way to his jail
The prisoner ran away
But when he looked behind
He almost lost his mind
He stood very silent, like a mould of clay
His body was cold, his face was pale
A farmer noticed a strange-looking rock
No heat, no smell, just an oddly strange look
The man was frightened as he found out
That there was no echo for his shouts
Two frozen people in a distant place
Lots of people tried to solve the mystery
Not for knowledge or curiosity, or even grace
But only to write it down in history

Scientists say that they're not humans
Historians say that they might be Romans
Politicians argue that they might be a symbol
That represents the wisdom
Of a very ancient kingdom
Which used to have two kings
Who used to share all their things
With the one who would kill

Anyone who stood against their will
(They must have left it written in a will)

The prisoner and the farmer are attached together
They may remain like this forever
They faced an event which was too tragic
It seemed to them like powerful magic

Silence and darkness are all around them
They could be alive, they could be dead
No one knows what's in their heads

"…If you're a prisoner, don't run away
If you're a farmer, don't notice rocks
But if you ought to, don't look behind…"

June 2000

My Grandfather's Advice

One day my grandfather said:
"I'll give you an advice
Keep it in your head
Because it is very nice"

At first I didn't know
What he was going to say
His words were very slow
I thought he would take a day!

"Do not neglect your right
But don't take more than it
Even if you had to fight
Take all your right, don't lose a bit"

Suddenly, my grandfather stopped
And when I asked him why was that
He told me that he had dropped
His pipe on the mat

"Do not take more than your right
Don't take any interest
Even if it was slight
(Fair) is always the best"


Finally, my grandfather said:
"Now, grandson, you may go to study"
I kissed him on his forehead
I love grandpa more than anybody!


The End

It wasn't a nice day when they came
Many people thought it was a game

The whole planet was under their powers
It wasn't hard for them to take control
So, it was only a matter of hours
Until they won, and had it all

Nobody called:" Let's fight and defend…"
Instead they yelled:" Oh, it's the end!"
They found the chance to show and express
Their human manners of ugliness

They all got used to pretend
That they were made to serve and bend

How could those people think of a battle
While they lived like a desperate cattle?

Everyone wanted to flatter the invaders
The planet became crowded with traitors

Killing for stealing became a habit
If you want something, you don't ask
Just kill its owner, then you can have it
You don't have to sneak or wear a mask

The invaders were surprised and shocked
They left the planet as fast as they could!
"We came as invaders, not as policemen!"
"We came to steal, not to be stolen!"

"It was a planet of idiots and fools
A planet of criminals, killers and thieves
They don't have any sort of laws or rules
Or principles, or values, or even beliefs!"

No air to breathe! No food to eat!
No water to drink! No books to read!
They only know how to sleep and breed
They don't know how to plant a seed!

They worship a little god they call (money)
Especially when this thing's made of gold
They work like slaves to get a (penny)
And then, the coward ones become so bold
And serious ones become so funny!

This planet is much more than they deserve
They must be sent to somewhere else
They don't have the courage or even the nerve
To refuse or protest…they don't have sense!

To the highest commander: My recommendations:
Destroy this planet with all its population!
Don't offer any mercy, or sympathy, or grace
To any member of this human race!
It was a nice day when they left
People thought they must have left
A treasure, or such thing, as a gift

People rushed to open the (gift)
No one thought it would've been a game

Each of them had a just, equal share
None complained: "Oh, that's not fair"
They, altogether, yelled:" Oh, it's the end!"

June 2001

The Answer

He: Who is my love? Where is she?
She: Does he know that he's the one?
He: Does she know that she's the sun
That shines all over me?

She: Does he try to guess how I look?
He: Does she kiss me when she sleeps?
She: Does he read me in his books
Or call me precious while others are cheap?

He: Does she rush when her phone rings
To see if it's my number calling?
She: Does he sigh when sad people sing
Imagining the walls between us falling?

He: Will she recognize me when we meet?
She: Will our meeting take place soon?
He: Will we meet in a crowded street
Or will it be under the moon?

She: Will we go for evening walks
Discussing our mutual life and future?
He: Will she laugh at my silly jokes
About myself, my fellows and teachers?

She: How long will he wait for me?
He: How long will she wait for me?
Would they know that they're the answer
To each other's questions? Would they know?
And will they ever find the answer
To all those questions?

March 2002

Dark and Cold

This is how it goes
Says the one who knows
We don't have to try
Someday we will all die!

Life is empty, dark and cold
It's unlike anything we were told
It's something different, you can't tell
Like a lonely star, or an old deep well

It doesn't matter who we are
It doesn't matter what we do
If we are near or very very far
The sky and the sea are always blue

How long shall we live?
How much can we give?
It's all the same, bad or good
There's no shame, and no (you should…)

What's the point? What's the aim?
When will we just quit this game?
We fight the world to become free
We risk our lives to achieve the dream
But in the end we clearly see
That things are not like what they seem


Can you hear my voice?
Do you have any choice?
Oh, yes, you do!
How old are you?
It's all the same…

February 2000

Glorious Pages

If you ever go to the zoo
Then I promise you
That you won't be very glad
Indeed, you'd become so sad

Don't be fooled by children's laughter
Don't believe those talks and smiles
Most of them are very good actors
They do it each day a thousand times

In every cage you'll find a story
I advise you not to ask
Because you'd hear about lost glory
And you'd see the face behind the mask

When you see the lion you won't resist
And you will listen to what he says
He'll tell you about the golden days
When he was the only king of the forest
When he used to run, free in the wild
When he used to play like an innocent child
He'll tell you about the preys he hunted
He'll tell about the things he wanted
He will describe you how he was caught
How he was sold, and how he was bought

How he feels behind the bars
When he's alone, watching the stars

Of course he'll tell you about his wife
About his daughters and his sons
And how he lost that beautiful life
When they attacked him with their guns

"Listen to me, and listen well
I promise you I'll leave this hell
I will run away from this zoo
Even if it's the last thing I'd do
I'm old, I'm tired, I'm not very strong
But I miss the woods, where I belong"
What I saw in the zoo
Gave me a big shock
I didn't believe it could be true
When I first read it in that book

I couldn't see anymore cages
I couldn't read anymore pages
But I learned something I didn't know
That lions are kings wherever they go!

May 2000